From book lovers to authors, publishers, and literary enthusiasts, Book Fairs offer more than a mere gathering for bibliophiles. Among the plethora of benefits that extend beyond the pages of books are cultural exchange, industry insights, networking, reader engagement, inspiration, innovation, technology, and community building. The event creates space for authors in terms of meetings, sessions, seminars, book readings, book signings, sales and marketing, and so much more.

Western India’s largest education and book fair, Pune Book Fair, in its grand 22nd edition (4-8 December 2024), dazzled in its first two days with enthusiastic participants from the literary landscape. The event is being held in collaboration with Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Directorate of Libraries, Shikshan Mandal Pune Mahanagarpalika, Maharashtra University and College Libraries Association, All India Radio, and Maharashtra State Education Department.

Amongst several buzzing activities, spectacular stalls, wonderful sessions, significant networking, and reader engagement, the Book Fair held an English Author’s Meet where acclaimed writers like Jyoti Jha, Anuradha Mascarenhas, and Hemali Joshi were in candid discussion with Mr. Rohit Jerajani, Owner Rohit Enterprises and Express Book Services, Heritage Book Store in Pune. The discussion saw the valuable participation of Mr PNR Rajan, Convenor, Pune Book Fair, and Mr. Shirish Chitnis, Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Pune. While the discussion circled the writing journey and experiences of the authors, there were insightful inputs on writing and publishing aspects by Rohit Jerajani, PNR Rajan, and Shirish Chitnis.

TEDx Speaker, Storyteller, The Times of India Write India winner, & Columnist, Jyoti Jha has authored, edited, and translated several books in both English and Hindi. She is the Co-Founder of Today Magazine and Chief Coordinator of The Literary Chapter of Let’s Inspire Bihar. During the session, she spoke about her literary journey and shared that through writing she has begun to live and experience life. It has given her a renewed perspective and more than she writes her books, it is her books that choose her. Her short-story collection ‘Heart’s Sanctuary & Other Stories’ is centered around human emotions and how they define our existence. The book has been nominated for the AutHer Awards by the Times of India & JK Papers and has received much appreciation from prominent media houses, readers, and the literary fraternity.

Anuradha Mascarenhas, Senior Editor- The Indian Express and the Author of her debut book ‘At the Wheel of Research’, an exclusive biography of Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, has an active writing career spanning over 25 years, Anuradha has penned her thoughts on health, and research developments in the fields of science, environment, and women issues. A Gold-Medalist in Communication and Journalism, she is the proud winner of several prestigious awards like Press Council of India National Excellence Award in Journalism for Gender Issues and the Laadli Media Award on gender sensitivity. During the discussion, she shared her experience in creating her debut literary masterpiece and various aspects of the writing journey that created an enlightening opportunity for her creative acumen.

Hemali Joshi, A Government Educator, Member Service Representative at the National Children’s Science Congress, Mumbai, and an Author, has received an Honorary Doctorate Award from Maharashtra State for her contribution to the field of Teaching and Research. She has been contributing her life towards Biological Science and Education, recorded in the Magic Book of Record. During the session, she shared her ever-evolving process of teaching and learning and the innovative techniques used in her writing to connect with young readers. She highlighted the importance of creative and visual elements in books and learning material for children to enhance their grasping capacity. Through her books and teaching, she helps children embrace the fusion of knowledge and creativity with unique and joyful experiences.

The event continues with the ongoing programs, participation, and enthusiasm from thousands of book lovers, authors, publishers, booksellers, students, and parents across the region who are ready to immerse in the extravaganza of everything literary and a profound love for creation and books.