Dr. Ganesh Rakh is one of the pioneer doctors of the country who has worked tirelessly for the upliftment of girl children for over a decade. As Managing Director of Medicare Hospital in Pune, Dr. Rakh has till date have deliveries of more than 2000 baby girls absolutely free. As the flagbearer of ‘Beti Bachao Jan Andolan’ which has transcended the boundaries, Dr. Rakh has undoubtedly been an inspiration for the doctors and the medical fraternity.
In an Exclusive Interview with Jyoti Jha; Sr. Editor, Today Magazine the renowned doctor talks about the role of ‘Beti Bachao Jan Andolan’ in uplifting the girls along with the grave situation of female feticide in the country.
Q.1 How do you see your journey from a Medical Professional to being the Pioneer of ‘Beti Bachao Janandolan”?
Dr. Rakh: Since childhood, I have always dreamed of becoming an athlete or getting into the sports profession. However, coming from a very humble background, where my father worked as a Coolie and my mother was a homemaker, my mother always insisted on me becoming a Doctor. She feared that with my inconsistent and unconventional career choices, I might end up becoming a coolie like my father. Hence, she always worried and pushed me towards pursuing Medicine as a Profession. I followed her dreams and, when I seriously observed my father's hardships, I realized the importance of a stable life and career choices. I studied medicine in Maharashtra and pursued the goal of being a proud doctor.
During my Medicinal Practice, I observed and realized that whenever there was the birth of a girl child in the hospital, guardians and family always hesitated to pay bills, celebrate the birth of a child, or even didn’t flinch on disowning the girl child from the family. Whereas the birth of a male child was pompously celebrated and proudly flaunted. This made me realize the regressive mentality of people and the pathetic condition of newborn girls in families. I began the trend of celebrating the birth of every girl child in my hospital and later, also went against the norms to waive off the hospital bills whenever a girl was born in my hospital. I began seeing the gradual difference in the attitude of people and the awareness it started bringing around the community and society. It brought me immense satisfaction not only as a Medical Professional but also as a responsible citizen of society. And thus, ‘Beti Bachao Janandolan’ flourished in full swing.
Q.2 A very noble initiative of ‘free delivery’ of all female infants at Rakh Medicare Hospital has today been appreciated all over the country and globally. How has this changed the perspective of your near and dear ones towards you?
Dr. Rakh: My family, like any other family of a middle-class medical professional, had their set of expectations about me being a Doctor and discharging my familial duties. While I sincerely carried out my family duties, I also had a strong urge to honor my duties as a Medical Professional that goes beyond simply living for their profession and carrying out family responsibilities. I wanted to spread awareness for a strong cause and be a responsible and dutiful member of society and country. Initially, my family resisted the idea of ‘free delivery’ of all female infants in my hospital, worrying about my finances since we had loans to settle. However, with time, when everything fell into place and looking at the vast positive impact that it had begun to create in community, society, and country and worldwide spread, they realized my grit, determination, and intent. My wife now understands the importance of this cause and feels proud about it.
Q.3 Even after being in the 21st century, female feticide is a very grave situation in our country. What measures should be implemented to stop this heinous crime?
Dr. Rakh: If we consider the time frame of the past 10 years, the cases of female feticide have surpassed any massive genocide in the world. Despite several strict laws implemented by the Government, there is hardly any improvement in the grave condition. This is all because the general mindset of people needs to change, and society and families need to understand that a female child is as important as a male child and that her arrival to the world should be celebrated with open hearts and minds. A large social drive to create this conscious awareness and evolved mentality is required.
Q.4 Even after having strict laws against the gender determination of fetuses, it is quite prevalent in our country. As a doctor yourself, what do you think how can we eradicate the diseased mentality of gender determination, and how the medical fraternity can impact positively?
Dr. Rakh: First of all, it is important to realize that female feticide happens due to several factors- Societal Mindset, Crime against Women, Increasing Nuclear Family Concept, and so much more. It begins in a vicious cycle and goes on creating unrest and disturbance. We all need to work on a wholesome level at various layers to eradicate it. And meanwhile, gradual, and positive change needs to be in quick action and rapid objective-oriented plans. The medical fraternity plays an important role in this mass awareness.
Q.5 Whenever there is talk of female feticide, villages, small towns lack of education and poverty take the center of discussion, but sadly it is also very much prevalent in tier 1 and tier 2 cities. How can such a grave crime be kept in check in metro cities?
Dr. Rakh: It is surprising to see that female feticide cases are very low in poor sections of society as compared to the middle class and upper middle class. We need to change our mentality drastically. For families who opt for a single child or having two children, the chance of female feticide increases in such cases. This mostly happens in urban setups and middle and upper middle classes. Society at large and every stratum of society needs to realize the importance of girl children and celebrate their presence equally. The mindset needs to evolve.
Q.6 What mediums should be used to promote Beti Bachao Andolan?
Dr. Rakh: Every possible medium available and required must be utilized to increase the awareness of saving girl children and celebrating their importance in our lives, families, societies, nations, and world. The noble cause needs to be promoted through every channel whether it is digital or offline. There is media, entertainment industry, audio world, digital platforms, and broadcasting agencies. And then there are newer means of promotions in the evolving technological era.
Q.7 What would be your message to the parents who are still wrapped up in the patriarchal mentality?
Dr. Rakh: The deranged mentality that is deeply rooted in culture and society, needs to be addressed, resolved, and altered. As parents, we should understand that girls are equally important, and we shouldn’t be biased in welcoming and raising them. Equality begins at home, and even more so, at the individual level, and spirals towards society and further. Hence, every individual should work towards growing out of this restrictive mentality and accept the evolved mindset to create a more conducive environment for both girls and boys in our families and societies.